Making the decision to start hospice care for your loved one can be extremely overwhelming because it means facing the possibility that end of life may be near. But making that decision will grant access to an array of supportive care and assistance to the patient and the family.
Some services hospice provides includes the following care:
- Medical Director oversight
- Skilled nursing visits, weekly or more often, if needed
- Personal care services administered by a Certified Nursing Assistant or hospice aide, such as bathing, as often as needed each week
- Assistance in finding and applying for available social services, if needed
- Spiritual assistance by a hospice chaplain
- Assistance with prescriptions, equipment, and supplies for the terminal illness and related conditions
- Counseling for both patient and their family/caregiver
Why Do Families Wait So Long to Start Hospice Care?
The decision of when to start hospice often comes down to the word hope—many people associate hospice with giving up hope that their loved one will get better. To them, hospice means bringing a loved one home from the hospital to die.
Hospice neither hastens nor postpones death. Hospice was designed to help people make the most of each day in their final season of life. Hospice provides resources to help the family care for a loved one and ensure that the patient remains comfortable and as alert as desired.
When to Start Hospice
We perceive hospice as a time to redefine hope. Hope then becomes your desire to create a peaceful, comfortable environment in which your loved one can live their final months. When your loved one begins to show end-of-life signs, it is time to think about hospice care.
Considering these questions with or on behalf of your loved one can help you decide:
- Do I want to continue treatments that may or may not improve my condition?
- Do the side effects of my treatments outweigh the benefits?
- How do I envision my final months
Contact a compassionate team member at St. John’s Hospice at 210-718-0551 to learn more about how hospice can make every moment of life matter.
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